Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

Peg Perego Book Plus, Flamenco

It's the stylish, reversible stroller that is practical and easy to use. With the Book Plus, baby can face you or the world ahead, while being surrounded by comfort and security. Wheels with 12 ball bearings ans suspensions allow for 360 degree agility and less effort in pushing. Adjustable backrest reclines to several positions, including a newborn-ready flat recline. Paired with the foot muff, the stroller easily tranforms into carriage mode. The stylish foot muff cover has a pocket for keepin

Peg Perego Book Plus, Flamenco

FEATURED Peg Perego Book Plus, Flamenco

  • Reversible seat so baby can face parent or the world
  • Carriage Mode, Adjustable backrest reclines to several positions. Newborn-ready flat recline. Paired with foot muff, stroller easily tranforms into carriage mode.
  • One piece, adjustable handlebar, easy to push with one hand; adjusted to parent's desired height

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