Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Joovy Roo Car Seat Stroller

The Roos side mount allows for easy and close access when you are seated at a table as you can parallel park the Roo close without the handle getting in your way. This is helpful when you stop to feed the baby, are at a restaurant or simply interacting while seated. The frame is wider by design to provide maximum stability for your babies. The smaller wheel base allows for super maneuverability and easy handling. It folds up compactly with a one-handed fold for convenience. The Roo works with cu

Joovy Roo Car Seat Stroller

FEATURED Joovy Roo Car Seat Stroller

  • Unique side mount gives you easy access without stroller handle getting in your way
  • Small wheel-base provides easy handling and super maneuverability
  • Features a one-hand fold, front-wheel suspension, swivel wheel locks, rear brakes, and large basket

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